Unlock the POWER Within!

Bonnie standing on stage in front of a podium, smiling and clapping her hands together.

Embark on a transformative journey from Stuck to Unstoppable with our empowering program inspired by the book “BEEN THERE, From Stuck to Unstoppable”.

Introducing the BEEN THERE Program - an immersive experience designed for use in schools, non-profit organizations and government agencies who seek to inspire and empower participants beyond their circumstances or their living environment to recognize the power they have within themselves to shape their own story.

Welcome to the BEEN THERE Program!

In a world saturated with challenges and self-imposed limitations, the BEEN THERE Program stands out as a beacon of change. Our interactive lessons, thought-provoking journal prompts, engaging activities and profound self-reflection exercises are meticulously crafted to spark a paradigm shift. The program guides participants through a journey of self-discovery, helping them see beyond stereotypes and break free from the chains of self-imposed labels.


Peel Away the Layers: Uncover Your Participants’ True Potential

Each lesson will continue to peel away the layers of defeating behaviors and address underlying feelings that hinder forward progression. Self-empowerment will come through the program action steps, and the realization the participants have in the power to change the words and stories that they tell about themselves to achieve meaningful success.

Tailored for Your Organization

The BEEN THERE Program offers customized packages to suit the unique needs of schools, non-profit organizations and government agencies. Whether you’re reaching a classroom of eager minds, a dedicated team of professionals, or a community yearning for change, our program adapts to your audience size and objectives.

Featured in Caring Magazine and Supported by Key Bank

Discover how the Salem Kroc Center is pioneering change with the BEEN THERE Program and the BEEN THERE Program’s support from a generous grant from Key Bank.

Your Organization’s Gateway to Lasting Change

Now, more than ever, your organization can be a catalyst for positive transformation. Choose the BEEN THERE Program package that aligns with your vision and audience size. Join a movement that breaks the chains of limitation and shapes stories of empowerment.



Facilitator Curriculum

3 Inspirational Cards (3 designs)




Facilitator Curriculum

36 Inspirational Cards (3 designs)


Basic Plus


Facilitator Curriculum

72 Inspirational Cards (3 designs)


Ultimate Add-in

In Combination with Basic & Basic Plus.

Option A: Bonnie Milletto introduces the book to your audience, inspires the group through dialogue and activity and encouragement to participate in the program.

Option B: Interactive and stimulating Train-the-Trainer (2 hour) session with Bonnie to maximize program outcomes.


Celebration Add-in


For maximum impact it is highly recommended to schedule the last program module, lesson 7 celebration in a customized “party” with Author, Bonnie Milletto. Bonnie will sign books, engage your audience, and empower the participants to continue their journey of personal empowerment.

$500 within Oregon

$1,000 outside Oregon

*Additional books may be added onto any package.

**Transportation, accommodations and meals not included in packages.

“Thank you for noticing me. For the first time in a long time, I feel special.”

Bella, BEEN THERE program participant

Select Your Package and Be Part of the Change!